Monday, July 28, 2008

Um, hello...Brett Favre is a Libra

keep your head up brett- don't let them get you down. you make up your mind when you're good and ready you studly hunk of mississippi man!

all this controversy surrounding whether or not brett will continue to play football and for what team is so fitting for his libra sun, moon, mercury (which is natally at 0 degrees of indecisive libra conjunct pluto and is being squared by transiting pluto), and jupiter. not to mention his progressed moon is conjunct his natal north node and transiting uranus which is a telltale sign of the negative publicity he's been receiving of late. he also owns a natal moon/uranus conjunction to emphasize the pattern.

oh, and his progressed mercury and sun are conjunct natal neptune which can't be good for his identity as the famed quarterback who led the packers to greatness and is now not sure where he's leading anyone or anything.

(note: birth time is defaulted for 6am and not being used for interpretation.)

Stuff Virgo Moon's Like

#4: Expressing Genuine Displeasure
If you thought the blank stare was bad enough, add on a tightly-pursed or scowling mouth, frequent heavy sighing, and most likely a list of unacceptables drafted into an email/letter (in most cases with the accompanying thread of a previous displeasure) which will be cc'd and bcc'd to any and everyone the Virgo feels could learn from his or her substandard experience of efficient service or performance.

Stuff Virgo Moon's Like

#3: Creating Lists
Having documentation for everything you haven't done, plan to get done, or have already done is a must for any Virgo-ruled creature. This provides proof of creativity, practicality, and, most importantly, industry.

Stuff Virgo Moon's Like

#2 Email Threads
You say you don't have any record of our conversation back in April of '06 and that I must be confused. Oh, you are sure that you said no such thing. Oh, now you just don't remember. No? Doesn't ring a bell, huh? BAM! Does this email thread spanning from March 29th, 2006 at 10:47am to April 8th, 2006 at 3:42pm jog your memory?

Stuff Virgo Moon's Like

#1: Giving the Blank Stare
Everyone is running around in hysterics because a deadline has been changed from Friday, end of day, to Wednesday morning, even though the amount of time leading up to the date has been more than generous.

Mom and Dad are crying because Junior has been arrested for the same juvenile tricks he's been pulling over and over again without parental reprimand.

Girlfriends are huddled around listening to "Jane" cry about how her relationship is so rotten and horrible and how mean and heartless "John" is for being the bastard he was when she met him.

Virgo Moon is quiet and resolute because you should have known better and paid attention to all the little warning signs that led up to the crisis. Crises can be avoided by being responsible, paying attention, and having a contingency plan.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Daemon Alvin

I had to find out who my daemon is and Alvin is his name. Defined as Modest, Spontaneous, Fickle, Flexible, and Softly Spoken. But does it fit my Gem Ascendant and Virgo Sun/Moon? hmmm...I've got 12 days before it settles and need my friends to confirm or disagree.

