the first thing i noticed was the transiting mercury has activated his natal merc/pluto opposition. i suppose natal neptune is not making things better by forming a trine to natal and transiting mercury. All the while transiting neptune is hovering a wide conjunction with transiting and natal mercury. boo!
(the unknown thing is my dad's birthtime- I have used at 6am for his natal so his natal house positions are not accurate. the lack of birthtime could also throw off the mercury return chart; though, i'm sure the placement of natal mercury is close enough.)
dad natal- outside in red; mercury return- inside in blue

on another note, while i was driving home last night a car flew by me doing at least 100mph. i saw it swerve into the median of grass, do a complete 360 in the middle of the highway and then keep driving. damn you mercurious!
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