Saturday, April 19, 2008

music magic mania (and why does mars not matter to me?)

so, here i am on the brink of the full moon in scorpio (at the cusp of my 5th and 6th houses), occuring some time tomorrow morning, and i feel happy yet unfulfilled. music carries the magic of bringing me ecstacy while at the same time increasing my thirst and longing for more out of life.

at the new moon i had an epiphany and wondered about going back to school for drama. i am in the process of trying to find a way to realistically accomplish my dreams of being an entertainer- i am starting with getting face time with the theater department at the school where i work- we'll see where that takes me.

so, apparently transiting mars is trining transiting uranus and my natal uranus. my progressed mars is also approaching a square (5 degree orb) with my natal uranus as well. my thing is, i never really notice mars transits or mars returns- perhaps it's because:

  1. aries is intercepted in my natal 11th;
  2. my natal mars is in cancer;
  3. mars only makes mild (sextile) aspects to my sun and mercury and separating aspects to my uranus and pluto (9 degree orb- trine and square respectively)
i guess mars and i have no beef with each other (no afflictions) and subsequently mars wants nothing to do with me because i'm not an enemy or threat. well, fuck you too Ares!

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