right off the bat, he has a natal venus/mars conjunction (in leo, if you are a western astrology believer), which is square to natal neptune- to me this suggests a highly charged sexual nature and susceptibility to glamour and possible depravity. the fact that uranus is hanging around this venus/mars conjunction doesn't help with conventional sexual practices. as a gemini and politician, mr. spitzer aimed to maintain a squeaky-clean image of himself, as most gemini's are very aware of public presentation. too bad mr. spitzer got caught in his public hypocrisy.
i also find it interesting that mars (now at 2 deg cancer) has just crossed over his natal mercury (27 deg gemini) in opposition to transiting pluto (1 deg capricorn), indicating some buried information being brought into the open. transiting saturn is also in the mix, forming a conjunction to his natal pluto while trining transiting pluto. if saturn represents social boundaries and traditions, pluto has definitely been an agent of transformation and destruction- namely, the destruction of mr. spitzer's reputation and social standing as governor of new york. and, hello, transiting uranus is squaring his natal sun almost exactly, signifying a shocking revelation of his true character.
i could go into progressions (please comment if you would like to discuss them) but i've seen enough with a rough look at the natal and transits to gain some insight into yet another political scumbag. but listen to me, so quick to judge (well, i am a virgo who is not involved in a prostitution ring)- he could be a very nice man who just happens to have a weakness for hookers. but if that is the case, it probably isn't a good idea to engage in devious sexual behavior while you're the governor of new york and have a wife and kids who will be forever scarred.
(please note: birth time is unknown- i set it to a default of 6am but am not using house/angle positions for interpretation; only planetary aspects, excluding the moon.)

Just found your blog - featured you on the Top 10 Sources of Astrology News here:
hope you get some hit! :)
Do the progressions, please!
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