Monday, March 17, 2008

pride (in the name of love)- we love you too, bono

so i was walking to work this morning, humming "early morning, april 4th, shots rang out in the memphis sky..." and wondered what bono's astro chart looks like. why would some guy in a rock band from ireland be singing in the 80's about martin luther king's assassination? i ran a quick google search and found out he is a taurus and i'm like, "a taurus? with a bleeding heart? that doesn't add up" and then i plug in the birth data at astrodienst and VOILA!-- he's got a moon/neptune conjunction which is opposed by a venus/mercury conjunction. i also see a capricorn ascendant with saturn conjunct by about 4 degrees, the saturn also trines his sun with a 1 degree orb. (note: this is with an alleged birth time of 2am that i found on astrodatabank.) not to mention a north node in virgo-- and though i try to keep the signs out of it because of the debate with the precessed equinox and the whole eastern astrology thing with planets 23 degrees behind the western planets--his natal n.node is at 23 degrees so it's still in virgo if you look at it from a vedic point of view.

well, mr. bleeding heart, save the world activist has moon/venus/neptune in aspect which i've read is a tell-tale aspect of unconditional love and rose-colored glasses. not to mention, liz greene mentions that moon/neptune is seen in many charts of artists, in her book the astrological neptune. (great read if you are interested.) the fact that mercury is in the mix shows how he is able to communicate his love through music and the taurus sun coupled with the cappie ascendant with saturn show his tenacity in making a change. you go, bono!!!

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