goddamn that pluto and his dark lessons. i've been staring in the mirror lately (like i usually do) and i realized that i'm uglier than i'd previously believed. that sucks, huh? you know how you can look in the mirror and really like what you see but then you get out a digital camera or stand in front of a webcam and realize, "oh my god, i look like an asshole, why am i taking a picture of this?" that's how i feel. why does the camera hate me with a passion. none of the pictures of me reflect what i see in the mirror- and i look in the mirror A LOT. (remember that i am a narcissist.)
i must take into account that i am also going through a pluto/mercury square transit, so my thoughts are anything but bright. but i'm realizing that i need to bump up my self-presentation. i've been working out regularly and am really starting to hate my hair again. and my face is breaking out again. aarrrgghh!
i've been through the ugly phase before, as i've also been through the pretty phase. hopefully, i'll emerge from these transits transformed yet again...