Sunday, January 25, 2009

born liberal, raised right: saturn in action

i was just watching book tv on c-span and saw a rerun of a g gordon libby radio show tapng with reb bradley, author of his new book "born liberal, raised right."

my initial bias towards "conservatism" was quickly replaced by a respect for saturnian values such as hard work, delayed gratification, self-control, and responsibility. then i realized that i may not be "liberal" or "conservative" but instead, "saturnian." i have saturn occidental, plus it sits conjunct between my moon and sun, squaring neptune. i grew up with saturn and as much as i hated it at times, it taught me valuable lessons that i now recognize and appreciate because so many people i come into contact with do not possess or even comprehend saturnian qualities. very interesting.

oh, and i must mention that my first saturn return just occurred in late-october.

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