Sunday, January 18, 2009

transit pluto square mercury: intense speech and thought patterns

at the moment, transiting pluto is squaring my mercury and may as well be squaring venus too, as they are conjunct within 1 degree. all i have to say is that one of my new years resolutions is to finally tell someone, "go fuck yourself!" i've never said that to anyone before and it's about time.

i haven't been able to sleep through the night because my mind won't shut off- i keep thinking about work and how i could be doing or learning more. i did enroll in a drawing class, so at least i'll be channeling some of this energy into an artistic endeavor (natal mercury in the 5th).

pluto is a bastard, of course, ruling my 6th house of service, and currently transiting my 7th. i've also been forcing myself to get into the gym- which doesn't do much to help me sleep (like i had thought) but will hopefully give me the obsessive drive to thrim down my excess body weight. i'm turning 30 near the end of this year and i can't afford to start another decade of life with excess woman weight. as a matter of fact, i'm going outside to walk/run some of this shit off...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said Gemini Rising,its always good to say what hasnt been said before.


